The Overmountain Institute (2020)
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Friday – Sunday, March 6, 7 & 8, 2020
Join us for a unique weekend dedicated to sharing in depth knowledge about life on the colonial frontier. Skilled heritage interpreters, living history educators, and expert craftsmen will bring life in the 18th century Watauga settlement to new light through a series of demonstrations, workshops, seminars, and hands on activities. Come away with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the lives, hardships and accomplishments of the early settlers and native Cherokee who called this area home over two centuries ago.
Limit: 50 participants
Fee: $50.00
Friday, March 6
7:00 PM - "Finding Ourselves on the Frontiers": An Evening with James Robertson - Hear the incredible first person account of experiences in the Watauga Settlement as told by the man who later became known as the Father of Tennessee!
Presented by Chad Bogart, Museum Curatorial Assistant, Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park
A reception of light refreshments will follow the program.
Saturday, March 7
Skilled living history demonstrators and accomplished educators will present a series of one-hour sessions that will transport you into the lives of 18th century frontier people. Learn from some of the best!
1) "Scrimshaw" - Powder Horn Art of the 18th Century: presented by Steve Ricker
2) "Betty Harper" - Frontier Midwife: presented by Emily Burns
3) "Men of Measure" - Surveying in Colonial America: presented by Mel Kent
4) "Frontier Fashion" - Basic Attire of the late 18th Century: presented by Melodie Daniels
5) "Overmountain Music" - The Melodies of the Frontier: presented by the Sons of Liberty
6) "Nathanael Greene" - The Southern Campaign: presented by Taylor Osborne
Saturday will include a one-hour lunch break. Participants will be treated to an 18th century inspired lunch cooked over the open hearth which is included in the ticket price. Guests may also choose to pack their own lunch or elect to eat off-site at one of the many restaurant options in town.
Sunday, March 8
11:00 - Frontier Worship Service
12:00 - 4:00 - Living History Day - Feel free to spend as much or as little time as you like with an array of ongoing presentations, displays, and demonstrations of 18th century frontier life presented by regional heritage educators and living history interpreters. Visit our award winning museum, and shop in our well stocked book and gift shop.